About Me

Norwalk, Connecticut, United States
I was born in Boston Massachusetts on September 30, 1976. My family and I moved to Norwalk Connecticut when I was three years old. I have always had a love for art, ever since I was a little girl and come from a family of artists. Any time I had the opportunity to get messy whether it was cutting and pasting or just painting at the easel, I always found myself being drawn to various types of art mediums. This was another way for me to express myself as a child and now as an adult. Art has always been a great outlet for me especially after my car accident November 3, 2008. I needed something to take my mind off the constant pain as well as to help myself channel the various emotions that I was feeling at the time. Creating art through self expression allowed me to do that. I took three art classes at Norwalk Community College. My original background was in Early Childhood Education,which I have incorporated into my work as an artist. I am emerging in this field every day. As I continue to dabble in the arts, my future plans are to take different art classes in order to develop my skills as an artist. This is not only my passion it is a part of who I am as an individual.

A Journey & Passion With Dedication I Will Continue To Travel...

How does one see beauty? Do they close there eyes and take it in through their imagination? Is beauty perceived as positive or negative? Can beauty be heard through our auditorial system alone? Where does beauty come from? How can one tell when they have come across beauty? On the other hand why do individuals compare different aspects of beauty? Where did the definition of UGLY come from? Is that perceived based on one's individual experience in life? How can we truly tell the difference between something being beautiful and another aspect being ugly? What if all one could do is just touch an object and base their overall decision on what they felt. Another might only be able to utilize their sense of taste to make an objective decision. These are various ways that one can experience life. We are not all the same. Some do not have all five senses that they can refer to. So once again, how is beauty truly perceived and why?

Moreover, does someone's outward beauty determine how they truly feel on the inside. Can an individual express a level of ugliness to another human being out of pure pain? Is this level of self expression being portrayed on the outside because that is how that person is feeling on the inside and vise versa? How does art, music, writing, and other forms of creativity fall into how one can express themselves in a healthy way? Have we forgotten how to do this as well as how to get there? If someone is lost, where can they go to be found? What if the only means of letting out how they are feeling is through writing, creating art, or in some other creative fashion. We each have a unique quality that is in us from the time that we are created. Some might be fortunate to have found this ability early in life, others into their adulthood. Either way, is it a gift that must be explored? Or is it DESTINY?

On the other hand, once an individual has found their passion in life then what? Should one just step aside and not explore it? Why not jump in and submerge oneself throughout the entire process. It is about exploring life as well as learning more about oneself as an individual. Self exploration may seem frightening at first, however it is a process that can provide a tremendous amount of insight. To each is own. This is an individual journey, and we are all on different paths. The path I will continue to take is the one that has led me into the art world of which I am still exploring. It is a step by step one day at a time process. A feeling of peace, gratitude, and enlightenment. A sense of enjoyment as I step further into this realm of love, beauty, harmony, and continual inner peace. Spreading the love world wide as a human being who has always felt connected to this earth as I take each day and learn from it while I continue to grow. My inner beauty will shine through my art designs as well as anything else that allows me to express myself as an individual who is compassionate and real. Let these works of art speak to each and everyone of you.

In conclusion, DESTINED2B art designs is continuously working on a fresh new look & website that will take all of you into the next phase/journey of an individual's self expressive creative process.

Creativity, Passion, Interests, Values, & Desires...

It has been a while since my last post. I am dedicated to getting my self employed art business formally called Melanie Hendrickson's Art Designs to the next level. With a new innovative look and name DESTINED2B is looking forward to this next chapter in life. Although a significant amount of time has gone by, it has allowed me to ponder on the various values that I hold true to my heart in how this business came to be.

Furthermore, clarity is most definitely one area that has truly opened up all avenues in ways that will never allow me to ever give up on this passion that I live and breath. There will always be competition out in this world. I respect each and every one of those individuals for never giving up on their dreams and desires to do what brings them joy in life.

In addition, my mission in life is to live it to the fullest. Take each day as a gift and make the most of it. Life may hold various keys to numerous doors in which I will continue to utilize in order to walk this earth in the midst of glory. My art designs come in various forms as well as different sizes. The creative process has always been an area to which I have been drawn to for as long as I can remember. My hands are for creating art that heals the body, mind, & spirit. A spirit that will never be broken and will continue to grow independently as well as physically, & spiritually.

Moreover, the past four in a half years for me personally have not been easy, however I have learned so much more about myself and what it is that I truly desire out of life. I cannot fix everything, nor can I heal the world. What I can do is to always continue to be true to myself as well as others. A world of peace and harmony would be absolutely fantastic. I am not sure if that will happen entirely, however it is something that I will continue to hope and pray for.

On the other hand, my journey through creating various forms of art through self expression has allowed me to express myself in ways that may have been misinterpreted over the years. No one is truly perfect. We all have flaws. Being flawed does not scare me, it makes me human. All one can truly do is learn from every episode in one's life. You can either turn it into something positive or allow it to smother you with pure dissolution. That is something that I will not allow for myself as a human being. A free spirited gal I am amongst the many wonderful and beautiful things that life has placed before me.

On the contrary, I will continue to be grateful for every blessing that  has been placed before me, because it has allowed me continual growth and development from the inside out. Self reflection may not be an area that all wish to walk towards, and that is completely understandable. It was something that I felt needed to be done at that particular time in my life. A crossroads, so to speak. Which path will I take? Will I go straight, or veer to the left? If I decide to take a right how will I know whether I am going in the right direction. Listening to my inner gut, has never led me down the wrong path. There have of course been times that I have not listened to that inner feeling and wished after the fact that I had.

Above all, when I am not creating art, there is a bit of dabbling with creativity in the kitchen preparing various dishes that I enjoy experimenting with from start to finish. A process that will continue to enlighten me as I learn from others as well as myself. Taking each experience and spreading it out over a period of time. Time that will continue to move on even when one has that feeling of being stuck. Continuing to move forward is an avenue that will draw me in as well as allow me to focus on what it is that I am truly meant to do in this life time. A feeling of intuition as well as perceiving all things that are blessings which are not meant to be kept to oneself. A learning experience does not have to be negative unless you desire it to be that way. The pros and cons of every situation are moments in time which one can take in, absorb it, learn from it and pass it along for others to learn from as well. We are all teachers as well as students, what we take home from everyday life experiences are up to the individual.

In conclusion, moving forward as continual goals are set, one that is high on the list will be to continue writing as well as creating whatever comes to mind, no matter how big or how small. To each is own. There is no right or wrong way when it comes to how one feels. So I intend on being true to myself and will allow the passion of art/creativity to soar as high up into the sky as I possibly can.

Sincerely; Melanie Hendrickson
Owner/Founder of DESTINED2B

Updates and Events


Melanie Hendrickson's Art Designs will be continuously creating new designs for the "2012" year. I have a few different designs that I have recently uploaded onto my blog website. I am in the process of updating my present Art website. I appologize to anyone that has recently been on their to view my designs. I am working exceptionally hard to get my designs out there publically. I will be selling prints of my work as well as promotional pieces that I have been designing. I will also be listing any events that I do for the upcoming months, so please stay tuned for further details as well as the locations. If you have an interest in a particular design please don't hesitate to contact me personally. All of my information is listed on my art website which is: www.melanie-hendrickson.com you are also more than welcome to send me a detailed email if you have personal questions or ideas that you would like to discuss with me. All of my Art designs are for sale.

Owner and Entreprenuer:
Melanie Hendrickson

Inspire, Create, Teach, Listen, & Learn.... 2/9/12

Today was a day of hope, inspiration, admiration, as well as moving forward into a journey of a life time. I have been creating art for a while now and find that it relaxes my mind in ways that I have been unable to achieve in years past. An outlet so to speak. Art does not have to be complex, it can be as simple as a scribble onto a piece of paper. Well, that is just the beginning. Self expression, comes in many forms, shapes and colors. It really all depends on the individual as well as their mood. Maybe you get up feeling tired so you decide to create an art design that represents that mood.

In the end everyone is going to view that art design in various ways. All of which is so fascinating to me. A rebel without a cause, maybe, or maybe not. You can articulate in ways that everyone can understand in some form or another. You do not even have to speak. The canvas, brush, and paint do all of the talking for you. That is something that I will never give up as long as I have breath in my body. My passion is my art, my art is my life, my life is PRICELESS.

Sprituality is another avenue that I have traveled upon. It is something that I believe in as well as use within my artwork. I do not always have the answers to various questions or can even remotely explain something that appears to be so complex to me. Writing is another avenue that I have been so grateful to have had the opportunity to express. I would have to say it fits right in there with the art work for me personally.

I will continue to work hard and do the very best to persue those hopes and dreams that lie within me. Never giving up even when there may be times that I want to, out of pure exhaustion. I know in my heart and soul that I cannot. I must move forward with this gift and share it with many. Whether that is through my Town, State or Worldwide. I live and breath art and for that I am truly grateful.